AllOne Charities has awarded $25,000 to The Salvation Army East Stroudsburg as part of the Healthy Food Partnerships Program, enhancing access to nutritional food for the community while preventing disease through nutrition education. This support will benefit not only guests of The Salvation Army’s Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen and Emergency Food Distribution, but also youth and senior groups and social service partner agencies across Monroe County and the Poconos.
Through this partnership AllOne Charities has helped The Salvation Army “Take a Stand Against Diet-Related Diseases,” by making available healthy options in its daily soup kitchen and pantry, as well as through weekly youth and senior programs. Not only is healthy food distributed, but also included is how to prepare the food through in-person and YouTube cooking demonstrations, printed recipe cards, as well as online cooking lessons through social media.
Major John Wheeler, Commanding Officer of the East Stroudsburg Salvation Army Corps, said “Recent statistics reveal that over 10% of residents of Monroe County, including 3,322 children, don’t know where their next meal will come from. The post-Covid decrease in US government and donated food, much of which was healthy food, and the rampant inflation at the grocery stores has created a perfect storm for food insecurity. Thanks to AllOne Charities… not only are the 500+ families registered for food receiving food, but healthy food to take a stand against diet-related diseases.”
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